Hi, I’m Kimberly Thomas!

I am a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating fun, useful, and user-friendly websites and applications.


Sticky Note Project

Super Sticky Notes

Sticky note UI created using React. Created as a greenfield project starting with a static UI and then adding functionality to add, delete, edit, and search notes.

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: CodeSandbox, Props, State

live page
GitHub Repo Gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

Displays a searchable gallery of public Github repos. Created using the Github API and JavaScript and hosted on Github Pages. Click the repo name for more information and a link to the project on Github.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

live page
Guess the Word Game

Guess the Word Game

A JavaScript game where a player can attempt to guess a random word by inputting one letter at a time. 8 incorrect guesses ends the game. The random word is retrieved from a text file.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: GitHub Pages, JSON

live page
Quote Generator

Quote Generator

Random quote generator created using an API and Twitter integration. Press a button to retrieve a new quote, or press the Twitter button to compose a tweet containing the current quote.

Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Tools: Flexbox, Twitter Integration

live page


Developer Skills





Responsive Web Development

Git and GitHub

Developer Tools

Chrome DevTools

Visual Studio Code

Adobe Photoshop

Picture of Kimberly

Hi! I’m Kimberly Thomas.

I am a front end web developer and former librarian with a passion for media, technology, and education.

Since touching my first line of HTML back in high school, I've always maintained some sort of personal website. A casual hobby turned into a passion, and a passion turned into a career path. Whether it’s working with an API or translating a designer’s vision into code, I thrive on doing work that helps others.

When I'm not coding, you might find me curled up with a book, nerding out over sci-fi, or taking a long walk with my dog, Milhouse.

Can't wait to work with you!